If you’ve spent any time in Old Lyme, CT, chances are you’ve run into the Wallaces. You may know Rob through his glassblowing business, his wife Lori through her work at a number of area yoga studios, or their three kids through Lyme-Old Lyme Schools and too many sports teams to count. One of the first things you’ll notice about the Wallaces is their dedication to their community. And now, that community has the opportunity to help them.
Rob was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2015 and has since undergone countless examinations, treatments and surgeries. Doctors say his best chance for a healthy future is a liver transplant from a living donor, and Rob’s family is searching for a donor who can give them that gift.
Doctors had Rob placed on the United Network for Organ Sharing list (UNOS), but they continue to emphasize the benefits of a donation from a living donor. First, the long wait for the UNOS list means it’s unlikely that Rob’s condition will remain stable long enough to receive a liver that way. Second, the screening process for a living donor helps ensure that the perfect match is found, leading to a much better outcome.
You can help by finding out if you are a match and asking your friends and family to do the same. Rob’s donor must:
1. Be over 18 years of age
2. Have Type O (either positive or negative) blood
If you don’t know your blood type, there are a few ways to find out. Give your physician a call – if you’ve ever had bloodwork done, they may have it on file. Giving blood is also a great way to learn your blood type while helping others in need. Find an American Red Cross Blood Drive near you by visiting their site.
If you meet these conditions, the next step will be meeting with the team at Yale New Haven Transplantation Center (YNHTC) to determine if you are a match. As one of the nation’s top transplant centers, YNHTC is an excellent resource for any questions you may have.
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